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2017 - New shop in Alverca

The Alverca shop represented the final step in Proxira's growth, with centralised access, on the national road and with ample storage space and a showroom for customers to visit

Alverca shop

Avenida do Marco da IV Légua EN10, nº21A

2615-142, Alverca do Ribatejo
(+351) 964 068 290(+351) 219 575 329


2021 - New Proxira Megastore

With a view to growth and evolution, we have decided to open a new 800m2 shop in Carregado. Come and visit the showroom!

Proxira Store | Carregado


Carambancha Industrial Estate,
Rua Quinta do Outeiro Nº2
2580-508 Carregado
(+ 351) 964 068 290
(+351) 212 696 267


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