Máquina Soldar Inverter TELWIN Superior Tig 311 DC HF/Lift VRD

Máquina Soldar Inverter TELWIN Superior Tig 311 DC HF/Lift VRD

2327,00  (+ VAT)

Availability: 1 in stock

Máquina de Soldar Inverter Trifásica TELWIN Superior Tig 311 DC HF/Lift VRD


  • Soldadura controlada por micro-processador a vareta TIG (alta frequência HF ou LIFT), TIG pulsado e eléctrodo (MMA) em corrente contínua (DC).
  • Para usar com uma grande variedade de materiais como o aço, inox, titânio, cobre, níquel e as suas ligas.
  • TIG settings: bi-level, start up/end current, spot welding time, pre-post gas, current up/down slope, balance DC AC, square wave frequency.
  • THIN SPOT function: Advanced technological solution that allows thin sheets to be spot welded easily, precisely and quickly before the welding operation. Special for stainless steel, it reduces the risk of punctures caused by overheating.
  • MMA regulations: "ARC FORCE" and "HOT START".
  • "ARC FORCE" - Helps transfer the droplets from the electrode to the welded part, preventing the welding arc from being extinguished and ensuring its stability.
  • Conector para controlo remoto e G.R.A. (arrefecimento a água).
  • Thermostatic, overcurrent, overvoltage, undervoltage and water cooling unit protections.
  • Completo com acessórios de soldadura TIG: adaptador para garrafa de Argon, 3 metros de cabo 25mm, regulador de gás com 2 manómetros, tocha ST26 com 4 metros e alicate de massa.

Dados técnicos



230-400V 50/60 Hz, 3 fases

Tensão da rede

10 – 300 A

Amplitude de corrente

300A 30% DC

Corrente máx. (40 ° C) (EN60974-1)


Corrente a 60%


Max.tensão sem carga

max_current.gif 14.4A Máx. Corrente absorvida


Máx. Corrente absorvida a 60%


Máx. Potência absorvida a 60%


Max. potência absorvida

min_motogenerator_power.gif 10kW Min. potência do gerador

10 A

Fusível (queima lenta)



0.9 cosphi

Fator de potência

Ø 1,6 – 5 mm

Diâmetro do elétrodo (DC)


Classe de proteção


Dimensões mm (L, W, H)

18 Kg


SKU: B72101736 Category:



Telwin is a world-renowned manufacturer of welding, cutting and loading equipment. Recognised for its innovation and reliability, Telwin offers high-performance solutions for demanding professionals.
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Máquina de Soldar - Inverter Trifásica TELWIN Superior Tig 311 DC HF/Lift VRDMáquina Soldar Inverter TELWIN Superior Tig 311 DC HF/Lift VRD
2327,00  (+ VAT)

Availability: 1 in stock

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